I have to be honest, this week I have not been feeling well and today's blog post won't be too amazing due to that. So I'm sorry if I don't make any sense or if there are more than usual amount of spelling mistakes.
This time I wanted to talk more about the year that has passed but in the form of sharing my favourite parts of it.
During the past year I really have tried to learn more about myself. This has meant taking time to just be and see what felt comfortable. I wanted to rediscover the things I loved and find new things I could love. I wanted to rest and shed everything that didn't feel right or that exhausted me and start afresh. So I spend a lot of time writing. This meant I would bullet journal and also go back to the days when I would just write about whatever my mind would think at any given time when I grabbed my journal and pen. It helped me see what was important to me and what needed changing. It also made me realize I did feel tired and lost a lot of the times. I really did need this time to rethink what I wanted from life.
Moving to a new place meant a lot of new things. To get used to where I lived I walked around a lot. Also my girlfriend and I would go on adventures in the area, whether it being the German Market in Birmingham or going along car rides with her parents. There has been many trips and many car rides and along the way I have started to feel like I know this area a bit better. I won't go into much detail now as I have planned to make more posts on specific adventures that happened during the year, so you'll get to read more about those later on!
During the last year we also moved into our own home with my girlfriend. We both have been loving the IKEA trips and decorating in general. We have a very similar taste and making this space a home has been nice. We still do not feel like we are done so in the future I might be making more posts on what we end up doing with different spaces in our home as well as sharing some crafting tips along the way. One of my favourite parts that my girlfriend has mainly brought into our home is her collection on postcards. I have always collected cute and funny postcards but her collection has gotten the spotlight this time. Seeing little reminders of fun things in life make our home more positive space.
This year we got to travel quite some bit. I didn't think we would get to do as much travelling as we did. We haven't really had that much money or time to do that! We ended up travelling quite a bit within the area as well as London, Brighton and even abroad! Once again I will be writing more on our London and Brighton trip as well as our trip to Finland. I absolutely love travelling and I feel so grateful to have gotten to do some this year. We have plans to go to many new places next year and I plan to write about those as well!
This has been a major change compared to year before but not as much to my previous way of living. We've been going to gigs! One of the biggest things I missed from living in London was how many gigs I got to go when I lived there. Now I'm with someone who is as passionate if not even more passionate about music as I am so we have been able to share that love and go to gigs! I do feel like we could of gone to many more, but I guess that's something I could always say. There are so many bands to see but so little amount of time and money to actually be able to go see them. Once again I'll be writing and vlogging my future gigs (as there will be many to come) and I might even write a little about the experiences I've had before. Music is such a huge part of my life and always has been.
My life is filled with many things and these have been some of my favourite things in the past year. Also these are things that I will be sharing on this blog in the future. My life is filled with selfcare and search of how to make life the best it can be. I love to travel and go on adventures as much as I love staying home and spending time crafting, reading and watching films. I love going to gigs as music is essential part of my life. Naturally I will be blogging and vlogging about all of this and more.
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