Tiger Juice

I was reading the Tarot Almanac by Bess Matassa and there were these pages about listening to your body and the actions to take in response. I wrote the following down for myself:

When I need comfort, touch, security and I am alone: 

Get in bed (either fully dressed in most comfortable clothing like a hoodie with the hood up and woolly socks, long joggers, or in as little clothing not restricting you. Wrap yourself in a duvet or two (and add a blanket if you feel like it) and really let yourself feel the warmth, pressure and comfort. Do not distract yourself with anything. Just let yourself be. If anything listen to calming sounds (ASMR, sound bowls).

When I feel overwhelmed:

Sit in a clean, peaceful spot in your home and meditate. Let go of every thought and bring your mind to a peaceful place if not to a complete quietness. If you can't stay still, go to the beach and watch the sea. Let every wave wash over your overwhelming thoughts and take them away. If not able to go to the beach do a peaceful yoga to open up your body and let go of the tension. Let yourself start a new.

When you're ready to problem solve, let out anger or emotion but don't know where to start:

Put on music to dance to and dance in your kitchen, your living room, bathroom, just dance your butt away. Even better if you can go to a rave, a gig or just a night out. Go for a run. Even if it's short or you get out of breath. Just go somewhere where you can run. A hill and run  down it. Just move your body and let it express itself and get your mind to release and process the thoughts.

Not sure what you are feeling and what you need?

Slow everything down. Breathe. Meditate. Go for a slow walk. Write down any thoughts or feelings that come up. Listen to your body and mind. 

Do this all intentionally, not as something to help you run away. Be present.

I like to do this mental exercise when I feel defeated, deflated or even just tired. 
I close my eyes. 
Feel my body taking the breath in... and out. 
Acknowledge the tension in your body, the anxieties I'm holding in, the thoughts that want me to stop and distract, the feeling of I want to run away. 
Then I move past all that, like I'm on a bus and all those thoughts and feelings are left on the bus stop. Or  that they are trees in a forest and I keep walking on my path, acknowledging and moving past them. 

Then I imagine this energy running through my body, through my veins, that is like a potion revitalising, awakening my being everywhere it runs. Reminding my body that I am capable, I am powerful, I can do anything and everything. There is a solution to every problem. 

There is this art piece by Shiwen Sven Wang with a tiger and a scientist on it, with the title "Tiger juice". This reminds me of the tiger juice that runs through my body and the power that I have to make anything happen. 

You are capable.
You matter.
Your thoughts matter.

Please see links to awesome things below:

